My Story
Get to know me a little better. Here I share all, the ups and the downs, the challenges and the struggles but most of all the breakthroughs, the strength and the experiences which have shaped who I am today.
How it started
It was opening week, I was sat at a table in a cafe in Melbourne having brunch with my sister, when I broke down in tears and blood started pouring from my nose. I was officially at burn out. I had just got off the phone to one of my bosses who called me to discuss the immediate opening of the venue I project managed the build of. It all got too much. I was running off empty and my body began to talk to me.
My sister was over for the opening, expecting a well put together Nat but I was far from that. She looked in to my eyes and said, ‘this is not right, something has got to change, you can’t continue like this’ and she was right, something had to change but not now, I had to keep going.
It was opening night, the final touches had been set, the venue was looking incredible, the champagne on ice and staff ready to go. My outfit was hung on the back of the office door, I darted to the loo to slap makeup over makeup and spritz before taking a big deep breath, it was show time. This was possibly one of the biggest moments in my career. I felt like I had made it, but had I?
From the outside looking in, I had it all, living in the bright lights of Melbourne, launching a multi million dollar venue in one of the best cities in the world. I was front and centre, the star of the show.
After the excitement of the venue opening had passed, the reality of running a 7 day a week venue started to take it’s toll. Was this it? Was this the life I truly wanted? Working for someone else’s vision, constantly ‘on’ every day and working in an industry which didn’t light me up anymore. I was exhausted and the fire inside of me started to fade. Was this a project comedown? Or was this something deeper I needed to explore?
I felt like there was something missing. I had a sense of being lost and lacked direction. Where was my life now heading? I could’t get much clarity, all I did know is that something needed to change, this feeling couldn’t stay. My job was my priority, my identity. Natalie had been lost in the process and her values pushed to the side. Each day at work I would travel home deflated that I hadn’t made a big enough difference and as a result I wasn’t fulfilled. I knew I had more to give but I didn’t know what that was. I was scared.
The thought of change brought on anxiety, I would worry about giving up a stable credible job, what people would think of me and if I would ever get the answers I was looking for.

Time to change
I went home for Christmas that year to take some time out, I was exhausted and thought the pause would do me some good. It did. I will never forget taking a work call on Boxing Day outside in the snow from my car so my family didn’t know. I asked myself, is this it? Is this my purpose? Is this what I am truly here to do or is it something else? The answer was quick and clear, no.
I walked back from the car having made the decision I was going to quit and give up my sponsorship for Australia. I’d have no job to go to but still I was set on quitting. Before I could talk myself out of it, I took immediate action and emailed my boss calling for a meeting at 9am the day I got back. I knew there was no going back. I instantly felt a sense of relief. I had no clue what the heck I was going to do with my life, what direction my career was going to go in, how I was going to stay in the country or if I even wanted to.
I lost my dad a few years earlier which gave me a huge fresh perspective on life. ‘Life is short’ is a common phrase among many but rarely do you see people living each day like it’s their last. My dad was only 59 when he lost his life to cancer and it made me appreciate how short life is. I set out on a mission to live a more fulfilled life, to broaden my horizons and see the limitless opportunities available to me. Moving to Melbourne was the first step on the journey but I knew more had to change, I was yet to find my purpose and live in true alignment.
I quit my job with no job to go to and no plan but it was a full bodied YES, I knew I was on the cusp of a huge shift.
Time to change
I went on to invest heavily in myself and my own personal development, this is when the juicy shift happened! I moved to Bali for awhile to truly let go, face the scars from the trauma of losing my dad and tackle my limiting belief that I was not good enough. Workshops, courses, retreats and private coaching got me to a beautiful place. The souls who supported me (you know who you are) gave me the space to explore my truest self and align with who I am and not who I think I should be.
As part of my growth journey I wanted to be continually challenged (I get this from my dad). So as I travelled New Zealand, Bali and Singapore I was training for the Great Wall of China half marathon.This was possibly one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I unfortunately badly sprained my ankle just weeks before the race but still managed to come 6th in my category and 56th female. I learnt to not give up and to keep believing in myself no matter what is thrown in my way.
I went back to Australia to qualify as Barre Instructor in Byron Bay. I booked an air bnb around the corner from the studio and hired a push bike so I could ride to the ocean every morning before we started training. I soaked up the life I was creating for myself, my new normal and I knew I was about to open a new chapter which would shape my life forever.
I started to do the ground work to launch my own wellness business for when I returned to the UK. Every minute of or every day I would work on the vision for the studio and my mission to help women feel better about themselves. I would hustle as much as I could to open doors and create opportunities to step closer towards building out a career which would ultimately fulfil me. This would not have been possible without the incredible team I built around me.

My dream life
I’ve built a wonderful community of like minded women across the world. I guide them on their journey towards greater self worth, self love and happiness. These women have experienced huge shifts and when emails have dropped in my inboxed titled ‘you’ve changed my life’ I pinch myself. This is my calling, I am extremely passionate about empowering women and unlocking their potential. Our community is just one example of how I have achieved that. I’m now a motivational speaker empowering women, been featured in national press articles and invited to summer wellness festivals. All of which I never thought was possible until I decided to start believing in myself.
My journey has shaped who I am today and I could not be more grateful for the realisation that something had to change. That change didn’t come easily but smooth seas don’t make a good sailor. I got comfortable with feeling uncomfortable as I created my new beliefs, identity and life. I now live a life which is greatly aligned to who I am, my values, my strengths and my new beliefs. I feel confident in myself and know I am enough. Once I got out of my own way, I knew anything was and is possible. I was holding my self back from exploring, being vulnerable and scared of change. I now embrace change, I love exploring all the possible opportunities and feel good when I am uncomfortable as I know I am growing.
A day in the life of Nat couldn’t be more different, working hard to create someone else’s fortune in a job which unfulfilled me has long gone. I run my own coaching business, doing something which fulfils me and aligns with my purpose on this planet. I shape how I spend my time, when I start work and when I finish. I have the freedom to travel and explore the world whilst building a business which has a positive impact on women’s lives. I surround myself with only those lift me up and inspire me to do more of what I love. It’s now all about shining brightly and projecting out to the world all of my greatness. I am confident in my abilities, know I am worthy and capable of achieve anything I put my mind to. The shift has been huge, I am a completely different person from who I was during my corporate career. I radiate positivity (people say its infectious), I share my love where ever I go and truly grateful for everything I have.
I now appreciate the every day because my every day is now bloomin’ awesome. I am proud of my journey and dad, I hope you are too!