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Be more like Angela!

I met 92 year old Angela at a Pilates class yesterday.

She moved like a woman in her 40s and had the spirit of youth about her.

She didn’t hold back on challenging moves and laughed at herself if she couldn’t quite do something. She completely embraced the whole experience with grace, self awareness and confidence.

Angela not only had a beautiful soul, she looked incredible and took pride in her appearance, with a fresh blow dry, lippy on and a well put together outfit. She had a sense of self pride and knew she was worthy of looking good.

I was obsessed with her the whole class and distracted by the lovely aura she gave off. You know how much I love energy, Angela had plenty of it!

I couldn’t resist asking her at the end, what’s your secret to health and happiness? She said, stay curious, have passions and be open to giving everything a go!

Well, that response got me here writing this post, I just had to share it!

- How can you be more curious?

- What are your passions, how do you embrace them and make them part of your life?

- Are you open to new things? Do you push your zone of comfort to expand your horizons?

Well, I hope to be a model of Angela when I’m 92 and have a happy and healthy mind and body just like her….

Let’s all be more like Angela!

How I can help you?

1. I coach unfulfilled professional women 1 to 1 to support them to get clear on what they truly want, take aligned action and create a fulfilling life they love. Spaces are limited, email me on if this sings to you.

2. Download my FREE Spring Forward Guide to kick start you in to action and start creating a life you love. Grab your copy here:


I'm Natalie a certified and trusted Life Coach for women. I help unfulfilled women understand what they truly want, take aligned actions and live a life of purpose and fulfilment. If you feel stuck, unfulfilled and want to start creating a life you love, reach out for via DM to see you how I can help you.

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